Four factors boost China's large air separation equipment market
Tesla Copco's gas and process division has recently won a large number of orders from China's air separation market. The customer of this order is Yingde gas company in Shanghai, and the purchased products will be used in a 52000 Nm3 / h oxygen plant.It is understood that the order is a compressor turbine unit, which is a high-power single unit order received by Atlas Copco gas and process department. The unit consists of three parts, including a three-stage air compressor, a 46100 kW steam turbine and a five-stage air booster compressor. In order to assemble the unit, Atlas Copco gas and process department will adopt the "free layout" mode. Except the main engine is manufactured and assembled in Cologne, Germany, other parts of the equipment are purchased and assembled in China.
He Wulian, sales manager of Atlas Copco's gas and process division in China, believes that China's air separation market is growing at an alarming rate in recent years. Compared with 2002, the overall market value of flash dryer has increased by about three times in 2007. The prosperity of China's air separation market mainly stems from four factors: first, China's iron and steel industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and oxygen and nitrogen are the raw materials needed by the iron and steel industry, so the prosperity of the iron and steel industry will inevitably drive the development of the air separation equipment market; secondly, the Chinese government is paying more and more attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, and the original small and old air separation equipment market is becoming more and more important The equipment is gradually replaced by larger and more efficient drying equipment; third, the petrochemical industry, which has a good momentum of development in recent two years, needs a larger scale air separation equipment than the iron and steel industry; after that, the application process of new air separation equipment has brought new market opportunities.
"The above four factors will continue to play a role in the next few years, especially the importance of the second and third factors will be more and more obvious." "At present, we don't see any sign that this trend will stop or slow down. The result will be obvious. Therefore, we believe that China's air separation market will continue to grow in the next few years," he said